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How Much Does A Hot Tub Cost?

Just like with automobiles, houses and just about any other major purchase in the world, the cost of hot tubs depends on what you’re looking for. However, you need to quickly dispel the notion that low cost spas are garbage. There are dozens of models out there that are exquisite and will not break the bank. Be sure to bear this in mind when a salesmen tries to peddle his form of lies in order to sell you a $10,000 model instead of a more affordable (and prudent) $4,000 hot tub. 

A Buyer’s Market

It goes without saying that you need to shop around when making a purchase of this magnitude. This is even more relevant in such a small niche market. I bet you are not aware of the fact that the average hot tub store manages to sell less than 50 of their products a year? You need to know this because frankly, buying a hot tub from a small store is too expensive. Look for a major supplier because they sell more so their products carry a smaller mark up than their minor counterpart. In theory anyway!

As things stand, the prices of hot tubs vary greatly. A quick glance at the prices quoted by a few dozen major suppliers shows that tubs range from $1,500-$25,000. However, few suppliers sell products for less than $3,000 with the vast majority of hot tubs on offer for less than $12,000. Well-known companies are your only option as they carry healthy reputations. You know what you’ll get and they offer free installation and delivery which will save you an untold amount of money.

Added Extras

Yet the basic price of the hot tub only tells you half the story. There are a myriad of additional costs so be ready for them. These include energy bills, chemicals, a cover and extra features like more jets, concrete slabs, lighting and Ozonators. Buying an energy inefficient hot tub is like setting fire to money. Once you own a hot tub, the urge to use it all year round is irresistible. Comprehensive usage could land you with and energy bill of some $1,200 a year, that’s $100 every single month! You need electricity to heat the tub so be prepared to pay for your extra luxury. Certain hot tub manufacturers add dozens of jets to give the appearance of a more luxurious spa. In fact, jets can be purchased for a dollar and extra ones can add an extra $10-$20 to your energy bill a month.

Staying Clean

All hot tubs need chemicals to keep them clean and sanitized. As a minimum requirement, your hot tub needs bromine tablets, Ph Plus or something similar, Demineralizer and Water Clarifier. Again, the price depends on the amount you buy but budget some $25 a month for adequate chemical and cleaning equipment. Ozonators have also gained popularity as a sanitary measure but do not make the mistake of thinking it can replace a spa sanitizer. As water is usually kept for anything up to 4 months, an Ozonator by itself is insufficient. By all means, use one to oxidize contaminants but don’t rely on it solely. You could be paying between $150 and $200 for an Ozonator.

The Cover Up

Naturally, you’ll have to cover the hot tub when it’s not in use. Although a cover normally comes with the tub, it may not be of premium quality. Often, these covers will have a Styrofoam core which absorbs water and could eventually become too heavy to open. Yet despite this fact, expect companies to charge anywhere between $250 and $500 for a cover. However, a little bit of ingenuity could save you a few hundred dollars. You could purchase some Styrofoam, duct tape, a vinyl sheet for the top cover and a metal support for around $50. Cut the Styrofoam, tape it up, put a metal support around the edges and place them in the vinyl cover. This should help protect your hot tub from the elements. 

Miscellaneous Features

You also have the option of purchasing additional extras. If you live in a cold region and can afford it, a gazebo is a perfect addition as it protects you and the whole family from harsh winters by turning your hot tub area into an enclosed room. Look to pay around $7,000 for this luxury. For any additional electrical work, expect to pay around $1,000. It may also be necessary to put in a cement slab to accommodate the hot tub and gazebo. This could cost anywhere up to $2,000. Most hot tubs come with lighting but additional LED lighting can be had for as little as $20. More upscale fiber optic lighting on the other hand could cost anywhere between $250-$700.

When it comes to owning a hot tub, you really do need to sit down and write out all relevant financial details. You need to know what you want from the get-go or else a host of additional costs could creep up on you. Nonetheless, if you want to feel like royalty in your own home, there are few better ways to do so than by purchasing a hot tub.