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We get results most can't! Utilizing Chiropractic, Massage, Physical Therapy, and Physiotherapy allows us to get rid of the problem AND symptoms We start out with a comprehensive physical exam including history, orthopedic tests, range of motion checks, muscle tests, reflex checks, and palpation of the spine. From there we utilize many different forms of treatment such as physical therapy, strength training, stretching, massage, and several more dependent on what will best suit each patient. This multifaceted approach helps ensure the long term results we expect. At Main Street Chiropractic we promise that: * You will always be told what is wrong * You will be told what treatment we think is best for you * You will be informed of the price and insurance coverage upfront * You will be made aware of how long will it take to get better * You will not spend more time waiting then getting treated

5157 Main St
Downers Grove, IL 60515