Providing hassle-free surplus and asset logistics online and off with a variety of bidding and buying options. Last year 1stStrike Asset Management sold more than $8.5 million worth of surplus, over $7 million of it in the Fairbanks area. As the only local liquidation resource with online realtime auction capability, 1stStrike is the most efficient venue for surplus disposal in Alaska's Interior and on the North Slope. The 1stStrike website,, uses proprietary programs to quickly and efficiently market surplus and sell a wide range of materials and equipment. We have a variety of Auctions Types: Standard Auction, Outcry & Proxibid Auction, Sealed Auction, Sealed Ranked Auction, Dutch Auction, Make Offer Auction, Online Outcry Auction.

81 Timberland Dr (mailing address)
Fairbanks, AK 99701